Korean American Medical Student Association

Korean American Medical Student Association

KAMSA strives to connect medical students of Korean heritage and create a community that supports and challenges one another.

We welcome students of all identities, including ethnicity, race, and religion. 

What We Do

KAMSA Chapters

An international network of KAMSA Chapters, promoting opportunities for Korean American medical students to network and collaborate on events.

KAMA Partnership

A unique collaboration with KAMA, our parent organization comprised of Korean physicians. Through their mentorship, we learn how we can better grow into the role of a physician. 

Annual Conventions

A convention held annually with KAMA, providing students opportunities to network, learn, and connect with physicians that can provide mentorship through medical education and beyond.

Become a Member

Become a member of the Korean American Medical Student Association today, and get connected to your regional chapter!

KAMSA Events

4th Annual Women in Medicine Virtual Symposium

Sept. 4, 2024

Please join the Symposium!


Abstract Submission – 2024 KAMA Convention

Aug. 19, 2024

Submit your abstract to the annual KAMA Convention now!

3rd Annual Women in Medicine Symposium

December 12th, 2023


Please fill out this form if you are planning on attending the KAMSA NY/NJ Social!

Mentorship Panel

July 20th, 2023